I can't stand it when I'm too busy. I've been too busy lately. My youngest son and I finally managed to get the tree decorated yesterday but I still need to get the rest of the decorations up in the house. I usually have it all done the weekend of Thanksgiving so this is really late for me. It's stressing me out! I haven't had any time to stamp ONE card. Seriously. Not one. I did get my photo Xmas cards done and stamped so those will go in the mail today but I have so many I need to stamp for my stampy friends. Also, today starts my baking frenzy weekend. I have sugar cookie dough in my fridge right now and need to find a way to bake those today (while working) and then get all the rest of my doughs ready to go for tomorrow morning. I have grocery supplies I need to buy for the weekend, too. I owe a customer a calendar (I'm working on it through this blog post!) and need to get that to Stampin In The Rain. Aaack!!!

I wanted to share more TX pictures with you but haven't had time to download them all, still. I do have these few, though. Geeta was kind enough to meet me for lunch last Sunday at the Salt Lick BBQ in Driftwood, TX. It's a famous BBQ around those parts, I guess, and I sure can understand why. It was delicious but the portions were so big that even after I stuffed myself, it looked like I hadn't touched my plate. I desperately wanted some of their yummy looking pie but there was no way it was going to fit into my belly. Another trip, I guess. I love pecan pie!

Okay, one last thing. I know you need to see a card. That's what you come here for. So, here's another Christmas card to get your ideas spurning in your head. There's still time to get your cards made! (At least there'd better be or I'm in trouble!). Good thing I had a card in my stash to share!

Have a great weekend. I'll post pics of my holiday baked goodies after the weekend.
Hey, there we are! It was SO fun to see you. Next time ...more time!
Magnificent card! Love the pop of red...I hear you about being too busy and getting stressed when there isn't enough time in the day to get the things done that should have already been done...heck, I have my friends coming over to dinner tonight and I should be doing a ton of stuff right now and what am I doing? blogging...helps me de-stress :)
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